Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ryan's "Forest for the trees"

The fallen trees slightly obscure the forest. It's not a great photo, but I took it this week :)

In case anyone is interested, I posted photos of last weekend's adventures.


Cory's Forest for the Trees

One of the first things that Madeline did after coming home was losing the hair on the top of her head. Unlike most Lueninghoeners, however, she started growing it back. Here's the forest of hair that's starting to grow on the top of her head. Yes, that's my chin on the right - I cheated and am posting this picture that Lis actually took.

Craig's Forest for the Trees

This is a cheat, because I couldn't think of anything this week, and I'm packing up today for a conference I'm attending next week, so I don't even have time to just throw something together. I didn't want to post *nothing*, since I know Q's out this week and next.

This was taken in 2005, driving across Labrador. It's about as close as I've been to being in the middle of nowhere. The Trans Labrador Highway is (or was, at that time) a gravel road between Happy Valley/Goose Bay and Wabush/Labrador City. It's a day long drive with *nothing* but trees, except in the middle when you hit the town of Churchill Falls. All told, on that road trip, we went 2.5 days without seeing asphalt highway.

When I think of forest, I think of this.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Next week - "Brick"!

"Forest for the trees" due tomorrow.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Craig's Ugly (and late)

I am truly fortunate, in that I have in my possession both the ugliest shirt in the world, and the ugliest chair in the world. I was torn on which I would use. I considered both, but I think the shirt wins. So, behold! The ugliest shirt in the world, made of what looks like every tie my dad wore in the 1970s.

See the ugliest shirt in the world on the ugliest chair in the world here

Ryan's (belated) "Ugly"

Oddly, one of the major hazards of rock climbing in Minnesota is not gravity, but the Wood Tick (Dermacentor variabilis ) also known as the "American Dog Tick", or "Those Nasty Little Bastards That Make Me Consider Bathing In Coleman Fuel While Playing With Sparklers." Overall we found more than 50 of these things.

So far as we know, none of them got a mouthful of human. A few got a mouthful of Sam, but he (despite his protestation otherwise) is not a human. He is canine, and was wearing Frontline. Frontline makes ticks get dead. I want to wear Frontline.


Q's ugly

I'm afraid I'll have to sit the next couple weeks out. I'll be in Ireland and Scotland for a friend's wedding and a little R&R. But I'll be certain to post plenty of pictures when I get back . . .

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cory's Ugly

After working in the garden all day, Lis's toes are perdy ugly.

Next Week...

Next week: Forest for the Trees

Ugly due NOW!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Apologies in advance...

I have not yet taken an "Ugly" photo (actually, I have taken a ton of ugly photos) this week. I am going to go climbing for the rest of the week, so I won't be able to post a photo until Monday.

I beg your collective forgiveness.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Q's alive

the current condition of my sink.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ryan's "It's Alive!"

A friend called me _way_ too early Friday morning to ask if I would photograph a pregnancy test. My immediate response was that it seemed pretty awkward...

Congrats to Charles and Kristina!


Cory's Alive

Each fall, the Beetle goes into deep hibernation. In the spring I adjust its valves, change its oil, and take it out for a victory lap. As of today, it has reached this year's "It's Alive!" state again.


I had a great idea for It's Alive!, but I didn't get to take it before I left to spend the weekend in Santa Fe. So, I improvised. I wanted to take a picture of a monster, so I found the cutest monster I could. I was working with a different camera, but dang, it's nice! Extra bonus, view the full size and zoom up on Tasha's eye to see the reflection of me!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Next up - "Ugly"

"It's Alive!" is due Sunday night.

I can see the bottom of the topic barrel again. Time for a refill.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Q's cut

I know, I know. I'm late. I was out of town all weekend and this was the first chance I got to sit down at a computer for more than two minutes.

In my free time, I cut out interesting images and shapes and collage them together. For this photo, I'd considered trying something along the lines of what this guy does with pulp fiction covers. But I sort of liked the looks of this one, even though it doesn't compare to the cut out paperbacks.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ryan's "Cut"

In today's tough economy, one can save a lot of money by cutting one's own hair. With practice, nearly professional results may be obtained:


Cory's Cut


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Next week: "It's Alive!"

Post your "Cut", chop chop!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Q's spring

I had considered a photo similar to Craig's since this one doesn't say spring precisely. But it is outside, and it is nice weather, and it is spring.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Craig's Spring

Get it?

Get it?

I'm sorry.

Ryan's "Spring"

I seem to recall that the robin is considered the "Bird of Spring."
I seem to recall that Emily Dickenson wrote a poem about about robins and spring.
I seem to recall that most dental procedures are more uplifting than Emily Dickenson's poetry...


Cory's Spring

I was going to post a pretty picture of some leaves bursting open or something spring-like like that, but I think this image is more fun: around our house spring is when the ducks come back and wander through the yard.

Here's what happened a few moments later.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Next Week

Next week: Cut. Cut cut cut cut cut cut. Cut.


"Spring" due tomorrow!