I'm on the verge of moving and have this (and lots of other) paperwork to do.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Craig's On The Verge
I'm sorry I have nothing new this week, so I offer this from the archives.
At the top of Mauna Kea, almost 8:00 Hawaii time. It's on the verge between day and night, and you're on the verge of being able to make out my subject!
Ryan's "On the verge"
I wandered around at Schramm Park today. This is the best I could come up with:
Cory's "On the Verge"
Mike's "On the Verge"
Most of us who travel by it, are used to its red, white and black colors. The last couple of weeks, it has been under this large paint curtain with a coat of white on it. It is an odd site. I'm sure the guy working on it, feels “on the verge” as well! I should mention that Sapp Brothers is a chain, and that there are many of these water towers in the mid-West.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Craig's Don't Touch!
I started taking ukulele lessons. Just because. Unfortunately, I have wide fingertips, which means I'm having the same issue on the uke as I was with the guitar -- dead strings. So I kludged up a solution!
I bought a baritone uke (it's *biiig*), and strung it up with tenor strings (since baritones have a different tuning). Now my fingers aren't covering more strings than they're supposed to be!
New instruments are a bear to keep in tune. I imagine my kludge-y stringing is even more so. So it's nice and satisfying when I can light up my tuner all green with perfectly tuned strings. But it's super-sensitive. Once you get it in tune, you don't want to touch those pegs. Example demonstrated here.
Ryan's "Don't Touch!"
Incidentally, they are apparently tasty in drinks, too.
Mikes "Don't Touch!"
This week I found myself in all sorts of peril. I tried to take pictures of Wasps and Bees. I attempted to take a dog's bone away from him.
I imagine that I had found a rattle snake, I would have tried to milk it.
Cory's "Don't touch!"
On a side note, I believe that the cleanup of eating babies is a great study in exponential decay. If you clean the high chair tray first, she dirties it up again with her hands. If you clean her hands first, she messes them up again from the contents of the tray. Instead, you have to trade back and forth between the two, cleaning off one half-life worth of goo with each pass. Eventually the amount of mess remaining drops below ambient levels and she is safe to handle again.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Craig's Fingerprint
I own a few computers, and almost all of them have glass screens. It's taking some getting used to, even though I'm approaching a year of use -- the matte screen is just better at hiding flaws. But the glass screens are so bright and vibrant. Honestly, I don't know what I prefer. It sure does attract fingerprints, though.
Cory's Fingerprint
Ryan's "Fingerprint"
Mike's "Fingerprint"
We have a Family Video down the street from us, and what you see below is a common problem.
If your kid comes to you with a PBJ sandwich and wonders why his Wii does not work. Check the disk.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Next week: "Don't Touch!"
"Fingerprint" due tomorrow.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mike's "Fractal"
Being an aging techie, this should not have been so difficult for me. Having owned computers where the memory was measured in kilobytes, fractal generators were quite common for break time amusement. Very long breaks.
I too decided to look for fractals in nature. I explored pond scum, cow poop, blow-outs, anything with repeating patterns, and this is my submission.
I also considered using this picture of what I believe to be ragweed.
Q's fractal
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cory's Fractal
And yes, you can build stuff with the big pieces. Just not very exciting stuff.