Monday, April 26, 2010

Craig's Density

An idea hit me on the drive in, so I took some time to put in this late entry.

Storage has increased in density tremendously over my lifetime. On the bottom, a 1.44MB Double High Density floppy disk. The most prevalent form of storage when I was in my teens. This week, Sony announced they were going to stop making floppies -- they've had a long life.

On the top, a 16GB Micro SD card. It holds the equivalent of 11,378 of the big-ass floppies underneath, with no moving parts.

Price for the MicroSD card? $30. Price for 11,378 floppies in 1988? About $1.50 per floppy.

Density rules.

Penny for scale and cool reflective properties from my slave flash.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ryan's "Density"

Need to increase the storage density of a graveyard? Build apartments!

I found another mausoleum that I almost used (mostly due to the name on it), but I decided to use it in another contest. Head over to Mike's place to see it.


Q's density

Last week I planted a bunch of lettuce, spinach and mesclun (which apparently is way different than what I thought it was. It popped up within a day or two, but I'm beginning to wonder if I planted it too thick.

Cory's Density

I spent all week trying to figure out how to take a picture of George McFly and his density, but my time machine was in the shop. So I had to try plan B.

We just moved in to a new house a few weeks ago, and it came with a few trees. I think this one is an ornamental pear tree, and it is clearly very dense with flowers right now. What's not clear from this picture is that it is also dense with bees pollinating those flowers. It sounded like I was walking under a high tension power line when I walked under the tree this morning.

Mike's "Density"

Water vapors density is slightly less than the atmosphere at our altitude.  The clouds find an altitude where their density, and the atmosphere match.  Like a hot air balloon, there are other factors that move them around, but that's part of it.
The state change back to water, however, increases the density.  Then we get rain.  Then the grass grows, and our wives make us mow the lawn.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Next week: "Formal"

"Density" due tomorrow!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Craig's Lost

We went to see the Blackhawks playoff game on Sunday night. I was fascinated by the sea of red, and snapped this. The Blackhawks won, which means the Predators lost.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cory's Lost

You know you're lost when your GPS just shows a little question mark icon.

As a bonus for this week, here's a stitched panorama from the southern tip of Deer Trap Mesa.

Ryan's "Lost"

Fugly Cat, A.K.A Baron Von Fugglesworth, Fugler, Fugs, 'gler, Muppet, Handsome Boy, etc, etc once was lost. He cried for days at Jenny's back door until she took him in to prevent him from freezing. His fur was matted with sticks and leaves, and he weighed a hair over 7 pounds. He wasn't doing well.

Now he is found. He is healthy, happy, and fugly.


Mike's "Lost"

I found this to be kind of a tough topic.  I actually tried to drive around West of town until I got lost and then take a picture.  All I got was a picture of a dirt road, and I was not all that lost.

Saturday, I stopped by the "Earth Day" celebration, and saw these kids climbing on the wall, and thought to myself, "They have 'lost' their minds."  Though Ryan would disagree and say they have lost their fear.  One of them did loose their footing once.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Next week: "Density"

"Lost" due tomorrow.

Too many good photos last week. Somebody post some out of focus crap tomorrow.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Q's best of Q1 2010

A few weeks ago, I walked around downtown Omaha taking pictures of as many custom, painted signs as I could. In the end, I came home with about a hundred, of which this is one. If you want to see the rest of the lot, see my blog or my Flickr set.

Ryan's "Best of 2010Q1"

As commonly happens, my favorite of the first quarter is far from technically perfect. The focus is a hair off, everything outside of the car is blown out, and there's an annoying camera strap visible.

Nevertheless, I like this photo. Jenny, Kelcey, and I were on our way to Chicago to see Maddy and those adults she lives with. I tossed my camera on the dash with the timer running, and this was the result:

It was a great trip.


Craig's Best of Q1

Cat portraiture. Having no kids, our kitties are my most frequent subject. We got Frankenberry and Count Chocula at the same time last August. They're brother and sister. Count Chocula has received more exposure on Weekly Photography than his sister, so it's time to show her off.

Count Chocoula is a big goofy tubby black cat. Frankenberry is a tabby-Siamese mix who is generally more mellow than the Count. And she's gorgeous. Just look at those blue eyes.

Mike's "Best of Q1"

I had a lot of fun this winter-spring getting up on Sunday morning and going out while the traffic was still light. I think my best picture this quarter was actually the one of the Valmont building in the snow, but lets not remember all that snow!

I got to snoop around the ghost towns of Portal and Chalco.  Found old rickety barns and farmsteads.

Today I captured red wing blackbirds that migrate through the area and camp out in a bog in front of the Family Video store on 168th and Harrison.  I usually only see them for a short time, and have to wait until next year.  I do not know if they nest here, or move further North.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cory's Best of Q1

Much of my 2010Q1 was spent getting ready to move from Illinois to New Mexico. Thus, I didn't really spend a lot of time taking pictures of anything other than Maddy. And of those, I think this is one of the best.

My lens was cold when I took it into the steamy bathroom during bath time one night, so when I took the cap off it instantly fogged over. That gave this particular shot its soft-focus, ethereal look. Coupled with the great look on her face and the bonus squirting coming from the right makes this a lot of fun in my book.

Plus, the baby factor. Never underestimate the baby factor.

"Best of Q1" due tomorrow!

Let's do "Lost" for next week.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Ryan's "Filth"

Ants! Creepy, crawly, filthy.

OK, so it isn't a great photo. It is the best of the lot that I took for this topic....


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mike's "Filth"

A few weeks ago, I used graffiti to demonstrate art.
When it is unwanted, however, it becomes "filth".  Especially if certain words are used!

This graffiti brought to you by "Millard's Anarchy Kids", as they signed their work on the back side of the the Chalco concrete works.

Cory's Filth

Last week my dad and I drove from Illinois to my new home in New Mexico. I took Sophie in my car, and he took the Beetle in his. Sophie was pretty clean when she got down here, but the Beetle was covered in a thin layer of filthy dust. I'm gonna need to clean it back up sometime.

Craig's Filth

Even when you car looks pretty clean, closer inspection can reveal the filth.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Next week: "Best of Q1"

Many thanks to whoever put that up.

"Filth" due tomorrow.
