Saturday, April 30, 2011

Due tomorrow: "Drain"

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mike's "Knot"

I just walked around the house looking for knots tonight.  I never realized what a useful tool they are.  I found dog toys, blind pulls, garage door release, and of course shoes.
This is a loose knot tied at the end of a curtain swag in our dinning area.  Almost a half windsor.

Ryan's "Knot"

It's funny - when I was a Cub Scout I couldn't learn to tie knots to save my life. Years later I became interested in finding the most difficult way to traverse vertical stretches of rock and very quickly learned to tie a number of surprisingly useful knots.

I planned to break out the rope and show off a bit but ran out of time. Instead I found the one knot that I tie daily:

It's worth noting that this knot fails regularly. I wouldn't use it on the rocks.


Cory's Knot

I was working in replacing the gas gauge in the beetle yesterday when I ran into this knot of wires. Most of it is electrical, but some of it serves other purposes - the two thick black tubes carry air, and the thick black cable that runs from bottom-center into the silver disk at top-left is the speedometer cable. When I took this picture I was most interested in the little silver blob on the left that is missing a cable - that plugs into the back of the gas gauge itself, which at the time was sitting on my workbench. It turns out I needed to order a replacement for that silver blob.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Knot" is due tomorrow

How about "Drain" for next week?


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ryan's "Fuzzy"

IOU one "Fuzzy".


David's "Fuzzy"

It's name isn't "Fuzzy" but this is one of the goats born a few weeks ago on the ranch. He feels pretty fuzzy.

Cory's Fuzzy

Lucky for Mike, I know where all of the bees are: on the plants in my front yard. It turns out bees are difficult to take pictures of - they crawl around on flowers, they fly unpredictably, the wind pushes their plants around, and they sting you. But I managed to take this picture of a fuzzy bee as it did its pollinating duty.

Mike's "Fuzzy"

I had fun with a shot like this last week, so I had to do it again.  Aside from the fuzz inside the flower pedals, the background of this picture is fuzzy compared to the parts that are in focus.
If there were bees, they would be fuzzy too.  Where are the bees?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Fuzzy" due tomorrow!

Let's not not do "Knot" for next week.


Monday, April 11, 2011

David's "Best of 2011 Q1"

This was my alternative for the "abstract" theme week. Not my best shot of Q1 but it is a good one not seen here yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ryan's "Best of Q1"

Another shot from Cory's part of the world - one of the Gilman Tunnels.


Mike's "Best of Q1"

I don't know if this is the best picture in Q1, but its the best picture I got of these darn pigeons so far.
They roost on the signs up the block from us, and there is a nice place to park and sneak up on them.  I have probably done this about four times now.  Oops.  They saw me.

Cory's Best Of

Back in March there was a SUPERMOON that just happened to rise soon after sunset. I risked bears and coyotes and rabbits to walk out to the end of one of the mesas to take a picture of it rising over the mountains, hoping that there would be enough sunlight left to give me both the moon and the mountain. Alas, there was not. Instead I got this ethereal fake sunrise picture. I think it is one of my favorite accidental shots I've done.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Best of First Quarter 2011" due tomorrow

"Fuzzy" will be next week's topic.


Monday, April 4, 2011

David's "Paperclip"

I had to travel to Gallup to attend a funeral this week and this week's theme just popped up after I checked into room.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cory's Paperclip

I had big plans of bending a paperclip into a fancy little stick figure for this week, but it turns out that's hard: after I got something that was kind of acceptable, I twisted too hard and his leg broke off. Some extra experimentation proved to me that I didn't want to pursue that idea anymore, and so I went for plan B: a paperclip closeup on a pretty background.

Ryan's "Paperclip"

Sometimes a paperclip won't cut it...


Mike's "Paperclip"

A friend of mine told me that a great way to break into your kids room if they have locked the door is to use a paperclip.
Oddly enough this seems to work!

"Paperclip" due Sunday!

I think it's time for "Best of 2011Q1". Post your best photo take from Jan 1 to March 31.
