Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ryan's "French"

While I sometimes mock the cheese eating surrender monkeys French I do enjoy their baked goods:


Cory's French

This is a potato. Apparently the French think it is an apple.

Mike's "French"

The French seem to have made some contributions to coffee, and though I don't much about the French, I do like coffee.  Seen here is a French Press.  You can use it with hot water and course ground coffee to make a delicious cup of coffee.  Several of us made our morning coffee on a recent camping trip with these.
There is also French Roast coffee. (not seen here)  I think that is a bit like dark roast coffee but they tend to burn it a little.  These beans from Kroger are not bad for $6.  It used to be, not all that long ago, $6 would buy you a pound of fair trade Guatemalan beans.  Times have quickly changed.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Next week: "Pin"

"French" is due Sunday.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mike's "Unknown"

Guess who's coming to dinner?
It's "Unknown".

Ryan's "Unknown"

A friend caught this little catfish yesterday. It's name is unknown.

A bit of a perspective trick makes it look like an edible sized fish. In truth it's about the size of a large mouse. It's a tiny little fish. We sent him back to grow up some more.


Cory's Unknown

This is the famous spiral staircase of Loretto Chapel, down in Santa Fe. It's unknown who built the staircase, but there has been plenty of speculation.

Friday, August 19, 2011

La semaine prochaine: "Français"

According to google translate that means that next week's topic is "French". I can't find my Babelfish, so I will have to trust google.

"Unknown" is due Sunday.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ryan's "Authorized"

This guy checked to see if we were authorized for a number of activities last weekend:


Mike's "Authorized"

I'm pretty certain that you need to be in some way authorized to sell cigarettes.  Even if your one of those duty-free reservations stores, you have to be authorized. 
Things have changed since I was a kid.  You could buy them out of a machine.  They were right on the self and counter in arms reach.  Not to mention they were less than a buck a pack.  Glad I quit, but not insensitive to those who partake either.

Cory's Authorized

Down the street from my house is a traffic circle that has a few arrow signs in the middle to help you figure out which way to go through it. On the back of two are this sign, which I'm guessing is authorized. However, it doesn't prevent people from putting garage sale signs up in the same area every weekend. Perhaps they're authorized too?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Next week: "Unknown"

Tomorrow: "Authorized".


Monday, August 8, 2011

Mike's "Unnecessary Quotes"

I did not understand this topic, and I should of, because I'm a programmer and we use "Unnecessary Quotes" everywhere.  Single quotes inside of double quotes, or maybe even use to quotes in a row to tell the computer we mean one.  Yes, programming will drive you insane.
Anyway, I saw my friend Paul snap a picture of this, and I decided to do the same.  He got ice cream.  I wasn't really in the mood.  I guess you can get your ice cream with sprinkles, syrup, cherries, but not quotes.  Quotes are not necessary.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ryan's "Unnecessary Quotes"

I was unable to take a photo of unnecessary quotes.

I hang my head in shame and offer a photo of a ski boat napping on the beach. As an added bonus there is an anchored sailboat launching roman candles with an active lightning storm far off in the background.

More lighting (and other random shots from the weekend) here.

"Cory's" "Unnecessary" "Quotes"

I first learned about "unnecessary quotes" when I was working at Wohlners in high school - until then, I didn't realize people could be unaware of how to use them correctly. Mike liked to make signs that said things like '"Fresh" Produce' and '"Low" Price!', which always gave the rest of us a laugh.

I wanted to take a picture of a sign down in Santa Fe that pointed down a sketchy dirt road and said '"House" For Rent', but it disappeared a while ago. So instead I found the example above. I suspect they were actually made in Kentucky.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Next week: Authorized

"Due" tomorrow: "Unnecessary Quotes"