Monday, May 28, 2012

Cory's Flat

As David noted last week, there was an eclipse last Sunday.  The cheapest, safest way to view an eclipse is to project a pinhole image of the sun onto a flat surface, thereby viewing the sun indirectly.  It turns out that spaces between the leaves in trees make oodles of little pinholes too, so when the moon blocked most of the sun we got lots images of the eclipse projected onto the flat surface of our garage.

Ryan's "Flat"

I'm not sure all wide flat surfaces are safe for turtles to walk on....


Mike's "Flat"

If your by Tilden, NE and you get a "flat" tire.  You might well end up here to get it fixed.
I had a long chat with the man walking towards me.  He had pictures from later in the summer when they their planters are in full bloom.  He has also been a friend of Bill W. for over 20 years.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Next week: "Herbivore"

"Flat" due tomorrow. Or Monday. Whatever works. /rl

Monday, May 21, 2012

David's "Shape"

My shape is round.

Fred's Shape

This is the Triumph TR7.  It was advertised as "The shape of things to come" when originally introduced in the late 70s.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cory's Shape

The yearly Los Alamos Kite Festival was this weekend, and there were lots of kites in a variety of shapes there this year.  I think this one was the most creative shape I saw.
Not far from where I took last weeks picture I found these "Shapes"
They are like 3D pieces of some sort of pie.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Next week: "Flat"

"Shape" is due tomorrow.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Fred's Mess

The kids at one of the local high schools are restoring this 1974 Triumph Spitfire.  Right now, however, the car's a bit of a mess.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cory's Mess

The dining room table was nice and clean before dinner, but afterward everybody left Baby Emily behind to clean up the mess.

Jim's "mess"

Torn, tattered, rain stained..

Ryan's "Mess"

Have you ever wondered why city parks are a mess? People like this explain it:
Yes, he saw me take the photo. Yes, his passenger stepped over the trash when they got into the car. Yes, I picked it up and threw it away.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wanted to take a stroll around the Gene Leahy Mall this afternoon, but had to take detour because of this "mess".

I'm not certain if they are redoing the walkway that used to be under the bridge at 10th and Douglas, or if they are going to widen the bridge.

The pedestrian bridge on the West side is completely gone, and it looks like they are putting in footing for something wider.

One of them shovel ready projects, I guess.

Next week: "Shape"

"Mess" due tomorrow.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cory's Tour

I took myself on a tour of one of the trails behind town on Saturday, hiking through the area that burned rather severely just over ten years ago.  Things are growing back nicely in some places, but others are still obviously barren.  This is an example of that - a single tree trunk left standing all alone on the hill.

Ryan's "Tour"

Jenny returns from a tour of a little Nebraska lake:


Mike's "Tour"

I participated in a motorcycle tour Saturday through the Loess Hills of Iowa.  I saw this old gas station along the way.
It reminded me of days gone by when stations like this were prevalent along routes like the Lincoln Highway and such before Interstates were developed and bypasses created around small towns.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Next week: "Mess"

"Tour" is due tomorrow.
