Monday, May 25, 2009

Craig's Ugly (and late)

I am truly fortunate, in that I have in my possession both the ugliest shirt in the world, and the ugliest chair in the world. I was torn on which I would use. I considered both, but I think the shirt wins. So, behold! The ugliest shirt in the world, made of what looks like every tie my dad wore in the 1970s.

See the ugliest shirt in the world on the ugliest chair in the world here


cluening said...

I've been over to your house many times, but I can't think of ever seeing that chair before. Do you hide it when people are coming over?

Ryan said...

You've got my vote. You owe me one set of 20/20 eyes, preferably with color vision.

Stace said...

Cory, the chair is in the room across from the kitchen, I'll show it to you next time you're here.