Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cory's Recession

Downtown Downers Grove saw a pretty big building boom over the last few years, with several new large condo/storefront buildings going in near the train station. I don't know how the condos are selling, but there are still plenty of storefronts to rent. Anybody want to open a business?

Lis thought that Maddy's hairline warranted a mention for this topic too.


Ryan said...

You have annoying reflections, too. Wanna buy each other polarizers for Christmas?

cluening said...

Yeah, when I was taking the picture I was wishing I had a polarizing filter for that lens. I took it with my 17-85mm lens with its gigantic 67mm filter size though, which I've always been too cheap to get a filter for.

So yes, you should get me one for Christmas. :)