Back when I was in high school, my parents got a "cabin" that I like to refer to as the "
trailer by the sea". It is located at Lake Platteview, an exclusive gated community out on the
Platte River. The
playplace of the rich, we have a big party with a bunch of people out there every Fourth of July. This year the partygoers at a neighboring cabin spent their inheritance on fireworks, which they
began setting up around sunset.
After night fell and everybody nearby had their lawn chairs set up, the
show began. I got a
few shots of nice
fireworks, but I think the picture above best displays the craziness that was going on during the show. Amazingly, there were no reported injuries.
Then, after the show was done, we found the
GIANTEST SPIDER EVER on the wall of the cabin. That's when we decided it was time to go home.
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