Speaking of lenses, this one http://omaha.craigslist.org/pho/1482540654.html is still available. It will not autofocus with the d40x, but it will meter. This would be way better than my old Vivitar 80-200mm right?
Mike - Meh... It's a very slow wide range zoom. A bit of searching seems to suggest lots of distortion at either end. I'm not sure it's a much of an upgrade, other than getting you out to 300mm.
Thanks. Its no faster than my Vivitar which was 200mm on 35mm so its higher at 14mm. I read about the distortion too.
Waiting for sale on the 55-200 they sell with my camera in some kits. Still not much if any faster, but I can't afford one of those things we saw in the stands at the Olympics!
\O/ - You're a kitty!
Unfortunately, working with a 24mm lens means we are often right of the "Intelligence" and "Inanity of Statements" intersection.
Speaking of lenses, this one http://omaha.craigslist.org/pho/1482540654.html is still available. It will not autofocus with the d40x, but it will meter. This would be way better than my old Vivitar 80-200mm right?
Mike - Meh... It's a very slow wide range zoom. A bit of searching seems to suggest lots of distortion at either end. I'm not sure it's a much of an upgrade, other than getting you out to 300mm.
Thanks. Its no faster than my Vivitar which was 200mm on 35mm so its higher at 14mm. I read about the distortion too.
Waiting for sale on the 55-200 they sell with my camera in some kits. Still not much if any faster, but I can't afford one of those things we saw in the stands at the Olympics!
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