Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ryan's "Best of 2010Q1"

As commonly happens, my favorite of the first quarter is far from technically perfect. The focus is a hair off, everything outside of the car is blown out, and there's an annoying camera strap visible.

Nevertheless, I like this photo. Jenny, Kelcey, and I were on our way to Chicago to see Maddy and those adults she lives with. I tossed my camera on the dash with the timer running, and this was the result:

It was a great trip.



Michael said...

How you like me now! How you like me now!

Stace said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Stace said...

BTW, what lens is that?

Ryan said...

Mike: Umm.... I'm missing the reference.

Craig: Thanks! It's the always amusing and often frustrating 10.5mm fisheye.

Stace said...

It's the music bed for a Kia Sorento (IIRC) ad featuring stuffed toys on an adventure in the car.

Stace said...

Just now caught the awesome reflection in your sunglasses.