Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ti's Incomplete

Since I came in midway through this week and it was my youngest spawn's second birthday today I figured I'd use him as my entry. See, Daylan is now two and only has 6 teeth. At the rate he's adding new teeth I figure he might have all his teeth before he leaves for college.


cluening said...

Oh man! Maddy is 1.5 years old and has about 803948932 teeth! Maybe we can send some to you to borrow for a while.

Lis said...

No! No we cannot! I am not living through her growing more teeth! No!

I'm not sure which is worse, having a 2 year old that can barely eat solid food, or having a kid start getting her 2 year molars at 15 months....

Michael said...

Gerber babies don't need teeth.

Stace said...

Ti, isn't that your arm I see next to Daylan?