Saturday, November 6, 2010

Next week: "You!"

"Incomplete" should be complete by tomorrow.

We haven't done self portraits in a while. Since we have two new players, I think this week would be a good time to do it again.

In case Cory didn't explain the rules - we don't have very many. Shoot this week's topic (a self portrait) between now and next Sunday. Digital manipulation should be limited to color & contrast correction, sharpening, and other operations that can be done in a traditional (and basic) wet darkroom. If the average guy with an enlarger and a bottle of D-76 could do it on paper, you can do it digitally.

Truth be told the rules are pretty loose. I think we just want to stick with photography versus digital art.


1 comment:

Stace said...

Just a note that I intend to start submitting again next week. Here's hopin'!