I may have posted this one here before, but I think it is the top of my list from 2010. I took it on a trip to
Bandelier National Monument last summer inside one of the reconstructed sections of the park. Getting to this particular room is fun: you have to climb ladders 140 feet up a cliff to get to the big hollow area that houses it. There's an aerial photo of the climb on the National Park Service's page for
Alcove House.
Climbing *up* is fine. It is climbing down afterwards that is unpleasant. Especially when the baby decides she is sick of being in the backpack...
Downclimbing is dangerous. The alternative is rappelling, but that isn't without it's own set of risks. A friend advocates BASE jumping, but I don't know if you can carry a baby and a parachute at the same time. And 140 feet is probably a bit low....
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