I really like the image, but think something's missing. I just don't know what. I bracketed it, so I have lighter and darker images to work with, but none are quite right. Maybe it needed a bit of light on the statue?
EDIT: I put up a few more photos from that storm.
I would say you wouldn't want any on the statue because then you'd have a muddied silhouette. Right now you have a great silhouette, but maybe a different angle of it where you could make out the soldier's head better. With this angle you kinda know what the silhouette is, but you have to dig around the image for clues for it. Or possibly, instead of getting the whole statue, you may have just gone for the top part focusing more on that awesome dramatic sky. That's my 2c at least :)
If that is the storm I think it was, you didn't have time to think, just shoot!
Kudos for having the camera ready, and getting out that evening. I like this shot a lot. I would have had my mind on the clouds, and forgot to put something in front of them which makes them way more dramatic.
Ti - A different angle probably would have been good. I edited the post with links to a few more from that night. Mike's right - the light was changing very fast and the mosquitoes nearly killed me.
I dunno, I really like this shot a lot. Of the ones you took, I think you submitted the right one. This is print-worthy.
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