Los Alamos has its own little tiny airport, complete with one runway and a little shack that serves as the terminal. I hear it is very exciting to fly out of - it is built right on the
edge of a mesa, so if you were to just drive off the end of the runway you would already be several hundred feet in the air. Here's the sock they use there to keep the wind's foot warm. It looks like he wasn't using it when I took this picture.
Hmm... Interesting note from the FAA:
"Operational restrictions: RY 09/27 ALL LNDGS TO THE WEST & ALL TKOFS TO THE EAST."
Doesn't matter what the winds are - you will take off on runway 09 and land on 27.
Combined with an elevation of 7171 feet I'd guess there's not much of a pilot training program there...
I noticed that too. I suspect it is because of the town and the mountains to the west. Taking off over the mountains would take some quick climbing, and landing over them would take a quick descent. Plus, all of the townpeople would complain.
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