Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ryan's "Out of Place"

Photographically, this leaves something to be desired. I found this wolf spider in my tent while packing it up after two nights of camping. I though it was out of place...



cluening said...

We've got a wolf spider that's been living in a nest behind a gutter on the back of our house all summer. It's nearly as big as the kitties now!

Ryan said...

The nest or the spider?

cluening said...

The spider. The nest is slowly taken over the house.

Ryan said...

I solved my spider problem by pulling the stakes, unzipping the door, and shaking the tent over my head (while carefully avoiding said spider as he fell out of the tent.) I suggest a similar course of action for your spider if he moves indoors.

Unknown said...

What is out of place about a spider in a tent? All the times I camped, we always had spiders in the tent!

Ryan said...

I never would have camped with you if I knew there were spiders there. I'm going back to winter camping - no spiders!

cluening said...

Aren't you supposed to make spider jam out of the spiders you find in the tent? Mmmm, tasty!