Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cory's Best Of Q1

Like Ryan, most of my recent stuff was for here. But here's a nice little cardinal I captured one cold afternoon in January.

Ryan's "Best Of Q1"

Slim pickings here - most of my photos from January, February, and March were taken for the blog. Here are some friends playing that game with the funny looking ball (not rugby, the other one).


Craig's First Quarter

Taken at an abandoned building on the trail up to the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawai'i.

Q's 1q

From January, this was a late night out with my friends Andy (right) and Dan.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Next week: Spring!

Post your "Best of Jan/Feb/Mar" soon!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Q's forbidden

I wasn't able to come up with something truly forbidden this week, so I just made a picture I like of something looked down on: stripes and plaids.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ryan's "Forbidden"

Photographically, not my best. I had just taken the photo I planned to use when I passed this building. I found it amusing...

My "planned" photo is here.



There's so much I love about this sign. First is the apparently necessary translation of what a "no left turn" sign means. Next is the egregious use of quotation marks on said sign. Finally is that, while no left turn is allowed, it's apparently okay to go *straight*, except 59th street is offset as it crosses Harlem. This involves, you guessed it, making a left turn.

Cory's Forbidden

I was kind of busy last week, so I didn't manage to take a really great picture. But I did recall this great bridge that's next to Hinsdale Hospital: it is only one lane wide, so there's a stoplight on each side to keep traffic flowing only in one direction. It is also built as an arch, so there's no way to know when you start over it if the people on the other side are paying attention to their stoplight. Very exciting. You can kind of see what's happening on the Google.

Anyway, traffic is forbidden from driving over this bridge in two directions at once!

Next week...

Best of 2009Q1! I suppose that means, January, February, and March only.

'Forbidden' due today. I forbid you from not posting something.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Q's (unhatched) peep

which came first? the cadbury creme egg or the peep?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ryan's "Peep"

Finally figured out where the M&M's have been going....

Also, I promoted "Forbidden" this week. We had already agreed that it should be "Best Of" for the first quarter of 2009. Do we want to change it?


Craig's Disco Peeps

If we knew why peeps went to discotheques, we'd have a much deeper understanding of the world.

Cory's Peep Show

I took a special trip to the Chicago area's only Peep farm for this week's topic, and came back with this picture of some peeps ready for market.

I also had an alternative shot that looks a lot more rustic, but the Peeps didn't look so peepish in it...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Peeps" due tomorrow!

Next weeks topic is forbidden.

Err... no. The topic isn't forbidden. The topic is "forbidden."

I think.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Q's new

recently a friend mailed me a letter . . . a new one (at least to me) snipped out of sheet metal.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ryan's "New"

April showers bring May flowers. Will blizzards in April bring us lizards in May?

Anyway, sometimes "New" things come too early.


Cory's New

I was hoping I would have "new kid" pictures for this week, but it's still a little early. So I settled on these little guys. Bonus points for identifying them!

Craig's New

I'm cool with quarterly best-of. Here's my 'new'... Spring is here. Ostensibly.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Due tomorrow night: "New"

Next week's topic is "Peeps".

Cory and I discussed doing "Best of" quarterly instead of yearly. It sounds good to me. Q and Craig?
