Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cory's New

I was hoping I would have "new kid" pictures for this week, but it's still a little early. So I settled on these little guys. Bonus points for identifying them!


Stace said...

I thought there might be a slim chance that your new would be a kid. :)

I also like how you and I had similar ideas.

Ryan said...

I see Bob, Fred, Jim, Chris, and Percival. That might be Mary and Thelma in the back, but I can't tell.

We all got lucky. If you (or Lis, for that matter) had a baby this week, the rest of us wouldn't have stood a chance.

Why'd you crop the left side so close? It's rather annoying.


cluening said...

The cropping was mostly accidental - I had it nicely cropped in-camera, and then I had to straighten it some afterward. I didn't feel like re-taking it just because that side was a little too close.