Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mike's "High Contrast"

When I was in college, there were no digital cameras, and all I could afford in a dark room was black and white.
Some of you have seen the digital manipulations where I play with in color these days with Photoshop, but back then I used to get what was called a "hard" contrast paper from Agfa and try to produce such high contrast photos that you could almost photocopy some of them.  I didn't push the contrast as hard as the old days, but I though just using black and white would be nostalgic enough.


Ryan said...


Michael said...

Oh, what I meant to say was, "digital camera's were far from being able to compete with film..."

This is interesting. I do remember that 20 years after this the "Sony Mamiya" was all the rage with its floppy disk storage and interlaced CCD.