Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ryan's "Shoot"

I planned a fantastic photo for this week. I'd hoped to get a shot near sundown of a friend shooting one of his rifles that produces truly amazing muzzle flash. I figured I'd also get a bunch of other shooting related photos.

Instead I was stuck in town all day Saturday because of car issues. Sunday was ruined when I unboxed the new axle I had ordered only to find that it was used and returned. A 60 mile round trip drive found a rebuilt axle, but upon installation I found it was almost an inch too long. I ended up installing the "new" used axle, but it has a pretty nasty vibration.

As far as I can tell, the Omaha Police Department frowns on firing rifles within city limits, even if it is for a photo contest.

Instead, I shot a picture of some of the bullets I would have shot if I'd had a chance to shoot photos of people shooting for the topic "shot".


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