Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ryan's "Candlelight"

So, say that one plans a photo for most of a week. A photo that involves a friend's dungeon-like storm cellar and some candles. One prepares for the photo - makes arrangements to use the dungeon-like cellar, purchases enough candles to keep the little old ladies dropping nickels in the lockbox at St. Bridget's for weeks, creates an idea in one's mind how it will be lit. Then one realizes that he's not very good at Calculus, and should spend that time and energy integrating, derivating, and performing other obscenities upon numbers and trigonometric functions. What does one do? One improvises at 11:00 at night, risking burning down one's bookshelf:

Anybody want some of those little tea candles? They were $0.02 a piece in lots of 50. I spent $2.14 with tax. I have a few to spare...



cluening said...

I got 100 of those little candles for a similar price a couple of years ago for using with pumpkins at Halloween time. I've got my fill!

You'll have to take the picture anyway and post it as an update.

Ryan said...

I plan to take the photo sometime soon. After playing a bit with the candle last night, I'm pretty sure I have far more candles than I need.

Actually, I believe "Ryan has far more fire than he (needs | wants | can control)" has been a recurring theme in my life...

Oh well. I'll keep a gallon of gas handy to put them out.