Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cory's "Don't touch!"

We've been giving Maddy actual food lately: bananas, green beans, rice cereal - the normal stuff. In the above case she was "eating" apple sauce, which involves intercepting the spoon as it approaches her mouth and pulling the food off with her hand. After each "eating" episode, we have two parents with sticky hands and one baby with sticky everything. You definitely don't want to touch her after that.

On a side note, I believe that the cleanup of eating babies is a great study in exponential decay. If you clean the high chair tray first, she dirties it up again with her hands. If you clean her hands first, she messes them up again from the contents of the tray. Instead, you have to trade back and forth between the two, cleaning off one half-life worth of goo with each pass. Eventually the amount of mess remaining drops below ambient levels and she is safe to handle again.


Stace said...

That picture is simply fantastic. You should enter that into some contests with real prizes.

Michael said...

Well we know that a cute baby is probably going to win. Here is another cute baby that made CNN:

Click Here