Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cory's Best Of

It's early in the week, but I'm going to be in Boston this weekend and don't know if I will have a chance to post later. So here's my Best Of Whatever Time Period This Is Best Of post.

I actually took this picture just last weekend on the same trip that I took last week's post on. This is a view across CaƱada Bonita, a meadow about 9500 feet up in the Jemez Mountains. You can see the trail I was on stretching across the picture from the left-hand side up to the split in the trees in the middle. Those trees were weird - all of the ones on the left-hand side of the trail had changed colors, but none of the ones on the right had. They're all aspens (with a few conifers mixed in), so I don't know what made the two groups decide to act differently.


Ryan said...

"Click to embiggen" doesn't.


cluening said...

Oops. Now it does!