Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ryan's "Incomplete"

Final update (11/12/10) : I spoke with the Director of Campus Security this morning who confirmed I was doing nothing wrong.

Sunday night I was taking photos of a construction site on the University of Nebraska Medical Center campus. I was standing in the middle of 40th Street (non Omaha folks: it is a public city street) when a campus security guard approached and asked what I was doing. I would have thought the large camera sitting atop an even larger tripod would have been a hint, but apparently not. He demanded I delete the photos I had taken, citing a "post 9/11" policy banning photography without the Public Relations Department's stamp of approval.

The sun was going down and I had a lot of homework to finish, so I complied rather than spend the evening discussing First Amendment rights with a guy carrying handcuffs and mace. Looking back, I should have rode this one out. I should have refused to delete the photos and continued to shoot.

To summarize, my "Incomplete" photo will not be completed.


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