Sunday, January 2, 2011

Craig's Pile

(I'm stretching, I know.)

We've got a pile of kitties. Back in October, one of our pile of kitties, Count Chocula (featured in my entry for "Texture") suddenly and quite unexpectedly died. We were worried about his sister (literally, they were littermates) since the young kitties were a duo (Frankenberry and Count Chocula), and the older kitties (Pixel and Sprite) weren't generally interested in interacting with them.

So we got Cletus to add to our pile. We got him right after Halloween, and things were going great until he got sick at the end of November. After spending a pile of money (worth it!) we discovered the shelter wasn't quite successful in ridding him of his worms.

He just got his last treatment this past week, and he seems happy and healthy again!

1 comment:

cluening said...

Wow, we've gotten quit the pile of pictures posted this week!