Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mike's "Sky"

When ever there is a partly cloudy day, I like to take pictures of the sky and save them on my computer to use as textures to maybe use on a photo that is taken on more a dreary day.  We had some neat sun sets this week, but I failed to keep the camera in my car.  Boring sky all weekend, when I usually do my shooting.
Then I got this weird idea.  What if I take one of my replacement skies, and put it on the ceiling of an indoor shot?  Even when you combine two outdoor shots, it looks a little fake because the eye and brain can tell the light sources are not in sync.  If you are lucky, it might just look like and HDR effect. I think I'm going to see if I can get the wife to paint the ceiling this way!

1 comment:

cluening said...

This reminds me of the skies in the game Doom where they made outdoor areas by just applying a (moving) sky texture to the ceiling of a room.