Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mike's "3:00"

Hey!  It's 3:00 AM.  Wake up!  You know that big bowl of water you gave me and the other two dogs?  I drank the whole thing!  I know that was rather glutinous of me but they weren't drinking any and its hotter than heck in here because your old lady won't open a window.

Anyway, you know how I spritz the carpet when I can't hold it any longer?  Yeah.  I can't promise I ain't gonna get you in the feet again when we go downstairs, so you better wear your slippers.

I know what your thinking.  Why didn't I ask the "other person in this bed".  I did, and she was unresponsive.  Though, I bet like last time, we hear her get up and pee as soon as we are down the stairs.  Faker.

Oh, and one more thing.  When we come back up, could you refill that water dish?  I'm feeling a little thirsty.

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