Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mike's "Illustration"

I thought maybe I would need the help of an artist for this one, so I went down to the Hot Shops.  Since the definition of "Illustration" is looser than I often play this game, I figured any picture would do.

I have always liked this door.  It illustrates how welcome you are to come inside.

I did a new exercise this trip.  The only lens I took was a Nikkormat 50mm that is almost as old as I.  No flash but a tripod, and constrained myself to just those tools.  I find if forces me to think out the shots a little more.  I hind sight, the a wider angle would have been better.

You can to that here on a slow Sunday, and only the other photographers will ask you what you are doing.  Then you have to go look at their stuff, which is quite good.


FlyingDog said...

I have been wanting to submit a suggestion to the topic list, the simple word "prime" for the reasons you wrote about. Spend an entire week with nothing but your favorite prime lens and then submit your best photo.

Ryan said...

Sounds like a great idea. Do you have access to edit the list? I will check when I get back to the office.


Ryan said...

I see you (or somebody) made the addition.

Do you want it to just require a prime lens, or should we all try to use (approximately) the same focal length?


Michael said...

I took a photography class at UNL where the teacher made us go to the the thrift store and buy an instamatic for the first few weeks. He wanted us to only concentrate on framing the picture.