Sunday, November 8, 2009

Craig's Tempus Fugit

Like Cory, I was looking to capture the literal essence of time flying. Mine was less esoteric, and largely involved attempts to catch a nice photo of my pocketwatch flying through the air.

This proved too complex and likely to break my watch, so I went another direction, and tried to simulate the experience. This is the pocketwatch I got in Greenwich, England. It's a nice little pocketwatch, and I wind it every morning. This watch has flown with me everywhere I've gone since getting it.

Though now, looking at it in extreme closeup, I'm wondering why it appears to say "Royal Greenwich Obserbatory" at the bottom, but I'm hoping this is just a trick of the fancy-schmancy script they wrote it in.


Ryan said...

I really like this shot. What was the background? I'm going back and forth - sometimes I think it should be pure white, others I like the shadowy spots.


Stace said...

Like you, I also went back and forth on what I wanted for the background. I ended up with just the walls of my recroom, awash in light.

My original concept was to capture the watch in mid-air, against a pure white background.